CRA Training Program for USA Residents

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CRA Training Program for USA Residents

Are you a Life Science graduate? Are you looking for a way to gain practical experience performing clinical trials, preparing reports, and performing other research-related tasks through hands-on work experience? Would you like to gain insight into CRA jobs and work environments? If so, the CRA Training Program for USA Residents is for you!

The CRA Training Program for USA Residents is an online class taught by a Clinical Research Associates (CRA) Professional. The course will provide insight into CRA jobs and work environments. You will learn how to analyze data, prepare reports, and perform other research-related tasks through hands-on work experience. A live online class taught by a CRA Professional will provide insight into CRA jobs and work environments.

You will gain practical experience performing clinical trials, analyzing data, preparing reports, and performing other research-related tasks through hands-on work experience.

The program consists of 1.5 Months of live classes and hands-on work experience with a live instructor. 

The Live classroom modules include:

  • Module 1: Investigational Product Development, the FDA, and Good Clinical Practice Guidelines
  • Module 2: Clinical Research Team: Roles and Responsibilities
  • Module 3: The Principal Investigator, Site Selection, and Budget Negotiation
  • Module 4: Clinical Study Protocol Elements
  • Module 5: Institutional Review Boards, the Consent of Human Volunteers, and HIPAA
  • Module 6: Study Monitoring, Data Management, and Study Initiation Visit
  • Module 7: Safety Reporting: Definitions and Reporting Requirements
  • Module 8: Accountability for the Test Article and Trial Termination Visits
  • Module 9: Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance: Audits and Inspections
  • Module 10: Managing Your Time and Preparing for the Interviews.

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